
About the RV & Motorhome Club

Welcome to the RV & Motorhome Club; home of the American and European Motorhome community throughout the UK and Europe. Here you can learn everything you need to know about Motor-homing from short breaks to long stays in Europe, technical support, recommended campsites – the list goes on.

We also organise local meets in the UK throughout the summer months so our members can share good food, a drink and travelling stories with like-minded people. As always, there’s much more so please come join our growing community. We’d love to have you involved.

As of April 2021, we are now a registered limited company which means that it becomes easier for us to deal with other companies to secure better discounts for club members and to pay for events, services and equipment.

Feedback from our members

"The friendly helpful group of people that you get to meet! Lots of great advice available. The meets are not to be missed! So much food, drink and laughter in great locations with fabulous people! "
Carole McMillian
"Fab, friendly, informative, knowledgeable and simply the best group...nothing is too much to help if possible "
Jenny Walker
"Very informative & friendly always someone on hand to offer friendly advise... so glad we joined such a great group thanks for letting us be part of it"
Nicola Sweeney

Charity of the Year

Every year the RV & Motorhome Club support a worthy charity and this year the group has decided that we are going to be supporting the Alzheimer's Charity who work tirelessly to campaign for change, support research into finding a cure and support people living with dementia. We will be supporting the charity by raising money via:
Coffee mornings
Golf Tournaments

Join our growing community

Get advice, make friends, live the RV & Motorhome adventure!

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